Longsjo Middle School Update:
I met this morning with School and City officials for a tour of Longsjo and concurrent discussion of the recent and ongoing concerns raised by our parents and residents.
Attending was:
myself, Councilor Squailia ;-)
Councilor Van Hazinga of Ward 4
Pete Stephens and Aidan Horgan of the School Committee
Superintendent Bob Jokela
Director of Finance and Operations Craig Challifoux (who was the former Longsjo Principal for 13 years)
Current Principal Shigehito Tanaka
Athletic Director Craig Antocci
FPS Communications Director Chad Garner
Mark from the Maintenance Staff
David Semenz, Director of Nutrition Services
Board of Health Director Steve Curry
Building Commissioner Mark Barbadoro.
We met in the Library and started the tour at the Fourth Floor, where there was the most significant damage from the Roof leakages. I am told all the classrooms are now repaired from the roof leaking damage, and we looked at a couple. One ESL classroom the teacher noted that she had spent weeks scraping and sanding and repainting the room...and it looked really nice with a light blue paint and colorful drapes over the windows. Another classroom was shown with white walls and ceiling... pretty standard.
It was discussed that the Roofs, cupola, and associated gutter/fascia are now fully repaired... and it does look so much nicer approaching from the Academy Street side.
We then visited the Gym…. the place was quite warm…that started a discussion on the heat in the building… basically the problem is that it is either too HOT or too COLD… this is due to an old set of boilers that heat the school…one large boiler…one small… it is easier to keep the boilers running than to switch on and off….and less likely to incur breaking down. School officials recognize this problem, have done what they can to repair the existing boilers…but are working with the MSBA (Massachusetts School Building Authority) to replace the boilers—-with perhaps more smaller boilers that would allow for better control, greater efficiency, and more redundancy (if one were to break down—-they could fix it while the other boilers compensated without going without heat completely).
Then we discussed the general condition of the gym—- including the basketball hoops. Our new Athletic Director, Craig Antocci discussed the issues and the plans… the main problem with the basketball hoops on the sides with the wooden backboards are they are not true ‘breakaway rims’… and kids tend to jump up and grab the rim…and then they bend and break. He is working on replacing all the hoops with breakaway rims, which require new reinforcement plates added to the backboards, and then new rims… he says he is on it once the basketball season ends (which is soon) he will then be able to retrofit the new hoops on the backboards.
The padding on the walls was noted are shabby and old. Prone to rip easy and crumble as the plastic/vinyl is old. Craig says he plans to replace all the padding with a newer padding material that is less likely to rip and is more resistant to vandalism.
The ceiling tiles were noted as looking really terrible. I was told that the flat roof had been leaking for many years, even after being replaced some 10 years ago… largely it still leaked because the main roof had so many leakages and problems, that water would get under the new flat roof still and leak and cause damage. Now that the main roof has been completely repaired, and the little leaks patched on the flat roof, i am told it does not leak anymore, and should not leak. So now they could replace the ceiling tiles.
It was then suggested that there are many other needs in other schools…. as you can see that replacing all the ceiling tiles in the old 1930’s gym would be an expensive project, i requested that they please just replace the missing tiles with a like material, and remove the obviously damaged tiles and replace those with a like material.
We discussed the stairway down to the restrooms from the gym..the video taken and it looking very grimy and dirty. I was told by the Principal that he went down there last week and it looked clean. Ward 4 Councilor noted there is a difference between worn and old and filthy and dirty.
I asked how often we do deep cleaning, where we can remove the grimy look and feel—- and Mark from building maintenance noted they do that on an as needed basis generally in the Summer.
Image capture from video posted in Discussing Fitchburg Now of stairway down from Gym leading to restrooms.
We then visited the Cafeteria and discussed the protocol for pest control with David Semenza of Sodexo… he notes there are logs for every instance that a food worker sees an insect or rodent, and those sightings would then generate a protocol for pest control. He noted that there are not unusual high number of logs in the kitchens and food service areas for rodents or pests for Longsjo compared to other schools.
Longsjo Cafeteria
We then discussed the concern of the roaches and mice in the other areas of the building.
It was noted that they have an Integrated Pest Management plan for the schools: https://sites.google.com/fitchburg.k12.ma.us/fitchburg/about-us/integrated-pest-management-plan
and that they plan on doing a pest application during this school vacation week. It was then noted that they used to do applications on an ‘as-needed’ basis, but have now switched to a 4 times per year application basis from now on. They then mentioned the basement being a source of difficulty in eradicating these pests…and offered a tour of the basement (which i gladly agreed to). It was also noted the difficulty in generally eradicating pests as food are left in classrooms and lockers….and pests love our food… I asked if we could afford the best course of treatment for eradicated these pests…and was told it is not a budget issue, it’s just a difficult problem to eliminate completely in old buildings like this…
Image of cockroach in a bathroom from parent at Longsjo posted on Discussing Fitchburg Now
We then went down to the basement, looked at the large boilers, a door to the exterior parking garage area, old equipment storage…but did look rather clean and dry for a basement… it was noted however that there are many feet of crawlspaces and short tunnel areas that used to be used as ventilation and heating tunnels …which are no longer used for that—-but instead can act as rodent highways under the school! The pest control people I’m told get in all that area and crawl to apply their pesticides….
In April 2019 we appropriated $100k to remove asbestos in the basement of Longsjo to replace a Water Main Pipe.
In the basement: L t R: David Semenza (Sodexo), Superintendent Jokela, Councilor Sam Squailia, Craig Challifoux Director of Finance and operations and former Longsjo Principal, and Ward 4 Councilor Andy Van Hazinga
We then returned to the Library to conclude discussions. I noted the condition of the ceiling tiles, filthy black stains surrounding the supply air grilles—indicative of dirty ductwork or a lack of filter maintenance.
Library ceiling
Mark from building maintenance noted that he has personally cleaned the ceiling tiles before, I asked if the ductwork is being cleaned or is scheduled to be cleaned…he noted that the filters were recently replaced. It appears that the ductwork is in need of professional cleaning and a regular schedule of filter replacement needs to be enacted. The ceiling looks pretty dirty at all the supply grills and the returns are not clean either…
On the awful looking Pleasant Street Overhang…
I was told a few months ago the work would be completed by Thanksgiving…
It was noted that they tried to get an Architect or Engineer to quote the job…but could not find any that wanted the job.
They also tried to get a company to bid the job to fix the overhang …and no one wanted the job.
They then discussed doing the remedial work to test for asbestos, clean it up, and make it look presentable to be done by their own staff.
This overhang has looked like this for over 10 years.
I was not given an estimated date for fixing this.
An Indoor Air Quality Assessment report in 2010 shows the broken decrepit Academy Street Overhang
Other Concerns noted:
Auditorium area, 2nd floor hoarding junk?
Mark from maintenance noted that that area is for storage of auditorium equipment and supplies for replacement. When a seat breaks, they store the new replacement supplies to repair them up there. He noted he believed it was neatly stacked….and it was noted by the Principal that that is not junk…it is useful items.
Sinks broken in restrooms? Doors?
Mark from maintenance noted these are fixed on a regular and on going basis …when they are reported as broken, they fix them.
Same with the doors, it was noted Principal Tanaka that there was a streak of vandalism in the 5th grade bathroom, including damaging the stall doors, so he temporarily closed it, repaired the doors, and opened it back up.
Dismissal procedure
It was noted that the new procedure was working well, except when parents choose not to abide by the rules of the pickup lot, and instead attempt to pick up their student in front of the building—this causes a dangerous situation for students and should be avoided.
As to supervision, it was noted everyday is Officer Figueroa out front, and a staff person at the end of the street to ensure safe dismissal.
Reporting issues at the school
It was suggested by the principal that when they are made aware of issues, they work to remedy them. If there is a sighting of a pest, or a broken item, it is requested to report these to the principal or a staff person/teacher so the problem can be remedied.
Arthur M Longsjo Middle School
98 Academy Street
Fitchburg MA 01420
Landscaping around the school
The concerns of a lack of maintenance during the summer and fall time were acknowledged, and it was noted that when requested or reported, that the grass will be mowed or leaves removed….
I hoped this summary helps address some of the concerns and questions from parents. Please contact me anytime with other questions or concerns.
What is next?
They are applying for funding to replace doors, windows and boilers at Longsjo.
Replacing the old windows on the South side especially will greatly help with the building’s ability to avoid unnecessary heat gain through old windows.
Boiler replacement will help with control and efficiency.
More background info on Longsjo:
Mass EDU School Profile
Longsjo Middle School 2016 MSBA Summary Report:
Arthur M Longsjo Middle School
Type of School: Middle
Year built: 1940
2016/2017 enrollment: 559 students
Total gross square footage: 194,495 sf
Square footage/Student: 347.9 sf per student
Classroom count: 36 classrooms
Students/classroom: 15.5
Building condition: 4 (worst)
Capacity rating: Under capacity
General environment conditon: 1 (Best)
Strategic Facilities Planning Study - January 2016
Pages relating to Longsjo
Longsjo PTO
meets 6pm on the first Tuesday of the month at the Library
Group link on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467996250819405/
City Council Orders relating to Longsjo:
2017 2-07
25-17. Resolved: Having convened in an open meeting on February 7, 2017, the City Council of Fitchburg, in accordance with its charter, by-laws, and ordinances, has voted to authorize the Superintendent to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority the Statement of Interest dated by February 17, 2017, for the Longsjo Middle School located at 98 Academy Street, which describes and explains the following deficiencies and the priority category(s) for which Fitchburg may be invited to apply to the Massachusetts School Building.Authority in the future a Priority 5 application to upgrade the roof, windows, and boilers; and hereby further specifically acknowledges that by submitting this Statement of Interest, the Massachusetts School Building Authority in no way guarantees the acceptance or the approval of an application, the awarding of a grant, or any other funding commitment from the Massachusetts School Building Authority, or commits the City of Fitchburg or its School District to filing an application for funding with the Massachusetts School Building Authority.
2018 2-6
At tonight's City Council Meeting, we will be voting on a $2M loan order for 'repairs to school buildings'. With the conditions of Longsjo coming to the forefront of discussions in November 2017, a study was just completed a few weeks ago in January that outlines an estimate for the Longsjo roof repair & replacement.
In the details, it notes in a separate letter from FPS that the plan is for the Longsjo Roof replacement and repairs, where they plan to Replace the Original Slate Roof with Asphalt Shingles, Replace the gutters and Repair the cupola. Total estimated cost per report is $1.3M.
It's also recommended in the roof report they replace the EPDM (Rubber) roofs (not noted in School Department Letter) adding that to the total cost is $1.67M 🏫
017-18. LOAN ORDER: That $2,000,000.00 be appropriated to pay
costs of rehabilitation, improvements, and making extraordinary repairs to school buildings, as outlined in the enclosed Loan Order.
2018 05-01
122-18. ORDERED THAT: There be and hereby is appropriated the sum of NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($95,000.00)same to be charged against AVAILABLE FUNDS and credited to SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS for the purpose of completing the audio-video upgrade to the Fitchburg High School Auditorium($20,000.00) and of replacing the vacuum pump at the Longsjo School ($75,000.00)
2018 11-8
276-18. ORDERED THAT: There be and hereby is transferred from within the sum of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($217,000.00) same to be charged against RESERVE FOR OTHER MUNICIPAL PURPOSES, CAPITAL EXPENSES and credited to CAPITAL PROJECTS, LONGSJO SCHOOL ROOF REPLACEMENT for the purpose of replacing the roof and gutters.